Tuesday, May 14, 2013

10 weeks old

Madelyn Skye will be 10 weeks Wednesday and is doing fantastic. Words cannot describe how much I love being her mommy. Just out of this world amazing. I get rewarded everyday with her big beautiful smiles that light up her whole face. She is learning to coo and laugh out loud. She has the sweetest voice. She loves playing on her mat that her daddy bought her a few weeks ago. It plays music every time she kicks it. She knows that if she kicks the piano it will pay music. She is the strongest baby I've seen especially her legs. Put her on her belly and she actually moves herself. It's crazy. Way too young... she needs to slow down. She loves baths which will be great this summer-- I hope she loves the pool. She's just full of life and a hyper, happy baby. Madelyn is both a mommy's girl and a daddy's girl. If someone is talking to her, she'll keep looking to make sure I am still there. And she absolutely loves her daddy holding her. So sweet. And we have learned that Madelyn loves Barney... hahaha it's too funny. We will sit her in her bouncer in front of the TV and her legs and arms start flailing as she stares and smiles. :)
8 weeks
Madelyn had her 2 month checkup Friday and got her first set of shots. OMG That broke my heart into pieces. That "pain" cry was horrible. David and I both cried. Her little legs were so sore this weekend, she had a bellyache Friday evening and actually vomited (scared me to death), she was fussy into Saturday and running a small fever but Saturday afternoon she wanted to smile, coo, and play... which made me feel better. I literally wanted to bust out crying because of how bad she felt. Pitiful baby girl. On a good note though, she weighed 11lbs 3oz and is 22.5in long. Chunky Monkey!!!!!!!! And while waiting on the doctor to come in Madelyn rolled from her belly to her back for the first time! Too smart. The doctor said she is growing and developing perfectly. :)
Before her 2 month checkup
About  8 hours after her shots. She was so pitiful.
Sunday was Mother's Day- My very first Mother's Day... Precious. I had such an amazing first Mother's Day. David made me a mold of his handprint with Madelyn's handprint in his palm. It's so precious! I absolutely adore it. I told David I would like for Madelyn and him to make me something for Mother's Day each year. Handmade means so much to me and I'd like that to be one of our family traditions for Mother's Day and Father's Day.  I got flowers and an awesome new mattress and bed frame, too. Crystal, Donnie, and the kids came over Sunday evening and we had lasagna for dinner and birthday cake for Dakota. I hope my beautiful mommy enjoyed her Mother's Day as well. :)

I absolutely LOVE being a mommy and I thank God for choosing me to be Madelyn's momma and David's wife. This is the best job ever-- a stay at home mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Six weeks old

It's hard to find time to update this blog, as you see, but I try. Madelyn is six weeks old Wednesday and a little butterball! She is growing so fast. At her One Month checkup, she weighed 8lbs 8oz and was 21.5in long. Goodness! She has the cutest chubby cheeks and fat rolls.  She now smiles at you on purpose, so precious. Madelyn is extremely smart, too. She can hold her head up by herself, put weight on her legs, scoot on her tummy, and she drools. Her doctor saw her doing that and said she is way young to be doing all of that. One smart baby! She is such a good, content baby. I must say, though, Madelyn is SPOILED already (opps)... She just loves human contact and Nonna refuses to let her cry for more than a minute. She is still solely breastfeeding, we are champs at it. She has outgrown the nursing boppy pillow so we're having to use a regular pillow.  She usually eats every 2-3 hours. Madelyn no longer sleeps her bassinet at night... She has to be against me and she uses me as a human pacifier. I'm trying to teach her to take a paci but it's not working. I love her sleeping with me and it is easier to feed her during the night; however, it is quite difficult for me to sleep. She has a fit if I put her in the bassinet at night though. I hope to gradually get her back in her bed... within the next 5 years, haha. And I miss snuggling up to my man at night. Speaking of David, he is such a wonderful daddy and Madelyn adores him already. I love my baby daddy!

I have my six weeks checkup Thursday, ugh... I am pretty much healed up, my incision still feels tender if I hit it on something but no pain. I cannot wait to start exercising and getting in and out of my chair by myself. Last Wednesday, I started running a fever, aching all over, and my breast was red, very swollen and sore. So we called the doctor Thursday morning and they were certain I had Mastitis, which is a breast infection that is common during the first three months of breastfeeding. My doctor called me in antibiotics- Keflex 2,000mg daily for 10 days.  My fever broke late Thursday night and I felt better Friday afternoon. But man, Mastitis is painful and you're supposed to let the baby feed off of the infected breast. I cried during the whole feedings Thursday. Whew! The antibiotics makes Madelyn gassy and irritable, too. Ugh! I have about a week left on them.....

I am beyond blessed and honored to be Madelyn's mommy! When she looks at me with those big blue eyes and smiles, my heart just melts more. I LOVE my little family! This is what life's about.

Enjoy the slideshow of Easter pictures (taken by my niece, Dee) and other random pics!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Welcome to the world, Madelyn!

Madelyn did not want to wait until March 11 to make her grand entrance. Tuesday, March 5, I hung out with my friend, Tim, all day and was very active- walking a lot. That evening when I got home I began having a few contractions but they stopped. David and I went to bed around 11pm and I woke up to a big pop and water gushing everywhere at midnight. All I could do was hit David and say WATER WATER! He kinda freaked out, haha, and woke up momma. When she came in my room I was sitting in the middle of my bed drenched, shaking from my nerves and being cold. I changed, which did no good, got in my chair (which was full of towels). We got all our bags in the van and headed to the hospital. We got there at 1am, they checked me and confirmed my water had broken. We moved from triage to a Labor and Delivery room where they prep me for surgery. My c-section was supposed to be at 7:30am but Dr Kofoed decided to come on in. My Dad rushed from work almost missing me, my Aunt Leslie was there but my sister didn't make it in time before they took me to the OR. As they were wheeling me to the OR around 3:30 I started crying-- I was terrified. They wouldn't allow my mom to go to the OR with me. When I got to the OR the anesthesiologist did the spinal with no problem (except for me having two contractions during it). It barely hurt. The nurses were AMAZING with me. After the spinal made me numb, which felt so weird, they brought David in. Madelyn Skye was born at 4:01am on March 6th (my original due date). It was the most beautiful experience ever-- seeing my beautiful miracle, hearing her first cry, oh man it is still unexplainable. David and I just cried. Our sweet baby is here! I got a little nauseated when they were sewing me up because I could feel my insides moving around but they gave me nausea medicine and I was good. Dr Kofoed thought I might need blood because my iron was so low before surgery but I didn't. Although, they had to give me a shot to stop my uterus from bleeding. Other than that, everything went so smoothly. Madelyn weighed 6lbs 12oz and 20in long. I was in recovery just for an hour and around 6am they allowed my family to come in my room. An hour after Madelyn was born the nurse placed her on my breast and she ate for 7 minutes. The nurse was shocked how well we breastfed. That day was kinda rough due to the pain and I refused any strong pain medicine (I hate feeling loopy). Tylenol 3 was my best friend that day. I ate great after surgery and got out of bed at 4:00 that afternoon to pee and sat in my chair-- OUCH! Crystal and Donnie brought the kids that evening to meet Madelyn. That was just precious! I didn't sleep that day or night so I was exhausted. The Lactation Specialist, Jenny, came in and coached me through a few feedings. She said that she had never saw a newborn breastfeed that well or the bond Madelyn and I already had. I loved that nurse. Thursday was so much better. We got my pain under control and I was moving around. My nurse took my IV out that morning. I absolutely loved my nurses during my whole stay. It's like they just knew me! The photographer  did Madelyn's pictures, which are beautiful. I had a few visitors that day... I was getting homesick and ready to go home. 

Friday morning I felt even better and asked to go home. The pediatrician discharged Madelyn that morning. The nurse told my doctor that I wanted to go home so Dr Alt came in around noon. She checked my incision and said I was being discharged. Dr Alt started crying saying what a blessing it's been to take care of me and how much she loves me. :) I am so blessed to have her as my doctor. She took such good care of Madelyn and I. After lunch my friends, Joy and Tim, visited and met Madelyn. Around 4pm, I was heading home! I was emotional just knowing I was bringing my sweet baby home. 

It has been amazing having Madelyn home! She is such a good baby   and just precious. She truly is a miracle from God! She's extremely patient with me and I'm very comfortable with her. God's perfection.  We are pros at breastfeeding now. Madelyn hasn't even seen a bottle. I love it. Although, I am exhausted, it is WORTH every minute of it. Oh how I love my baby girl. She just melts my heart. Being a mom is unbelievable- I love it! I am still having trouble putting a diaper on because she keeps her legs drawn up like her fetal position. It's frustrating but I know I'll get it. She had her one week old check up Wednesday, March 13. She weighed 6lbs 7oz when she left the hospital but at her one week check up she weighed 6lbs 9oz. Her doctor said she's doing perfect. She went back this Wednesday for her two weeks old check up. In seven days she has gained 7ounces and grew an inch so she now weighs 7.05lbs and is 21in long. Momma's milk is some good stuff! Can't believe she's 2 weeks...

I am healing very well. The past 5 days I've taken 4 ibuprofens. I am a little sore and slow and my incision is tender but I'm feeling great to just had a c-section 17 days ago. I've already experienced postpartum last week. It only lasted two days- it was definitely odd though. I didn't feel sad or depressed, I was just tired and wanted to cry for no reason. Glad that's over. I went Thursday for an incision check and everything looked great. All the nurses and doctors were going crazy over Madelyn. I weighed 95lbs yesterday, too, hehe!  As of last Wednesday my iron was still very low and I've been taking iron since my surgery. Hopefully it'll get better soon. I need my energy back.

Thank you all for the prayers and support. We appreciate them so much. God is awesome. My sweet momma has been a HUGE help. I can't begin to describe how thankful I am for her. I love her so much! My sister spent all day with me last Sunday and helped me-- I really enjoyed that. However, that night Dakota got sick and everyone has been sick at her house all week so she hasn't been able to come over until yesterday. David goes back to work on Monday... It scares me a little because he has done so much in these 2.5 weeks. I'm in awe seeing him with Madelyn. He loves his little girl and doesn't mind doing whatever she needs. When Madelyn looks at me with her sweet big eyes it just shows me that this is my purpose! Simply amazing. Overwhelmingly blessed. God's perfect plan. THANKFUL! :)

Here is a slideshow of pictures. Enjoy.

Monday, March 4, 2013


In seven short days, my dream becomes reality. Did I just say that? Holy crap! Little Miss Madelyn Skye's arrival is MONDAY!!! I can't believe it. I am beyond excited to meet my little girl, who has been growing inside me, the product of my and David's love, and the one who is constantly kicking my ribs out of place. I cannot begin to imagine what it will be like to see her and hold her for the first time, to look in her eyes knowing she's ours, we made her, she's a miracle from God. I get so emotional just thinking about that. *deep breath* I am blessed.

I am 38 weeks and miserable. I have been in severe pain and have not been able to sleep which I know is God's way of preparing me. Madelyn has had her foot in my rib cage for the past few weeks and it's almost unbearable. You can hear, see, and feel my rib popping out of place when she kicks/moves her foot. It takes my breath. It's kinda bittersweet because I love my belly and I'll miss it but I'm looking forward to having her out. Everyone around me is so excited about Madelyn. It is amazing. I bet St Francis will have all their waiting rooms full with my people that morning and a constant flow of visitors, haha. The doctor said I should get to come on Wednesday if everything's all good. My c-section is 7:30am at St Francis - Eastside. The week is going by quickly... My friend, Joy, from Texas came in town Wednesday and brought a very, very good friend of mine-- Tim!!! I haven't seen him in 5 years. We went to NGU together for a year and became really close friends. It has been awesome hanging out. I'll surely miss him and Joy when they go back.

38 weeks and about to explode!

I'm getting nervous about the c-section. I hope the spinal tap isn't too painful and the recovery is easy and quick. My mom may be able to go to the OR with David and I, too! Please pray that everything goes smoothly without any complications, Madelyn is healthy, and I recover fast. Also, pray that David (or mom) does not pass out or have a panic attack in the OR!!! I NEED THEM..... I'm estimating Madelyn to be 7lbs-- it feels like she has grown so much in the last 3 weeks. She feels so heavy and my belly is huge. I have my LAST OB appointment Thursday and I think they're doing a growth scan. My contractions have been minimum  this week thankfully. I'm just having tons of pressure and back pain so it looks like Madelyn will hold off until her scheduled c-section... Thank you Jesus!!! :) So, this is my last week of being pregnant and Monday morning David and I will become Daddy and Mommy.  Bittersweet. I'm loving this journey and thankful that I've been chosen as Madelyn's Mother and that David's her Father, my husband. Ready to meet this monkey!

Thank you for all the prayers.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

36 weeks

I'm officially nine months pregnant. It is truly hard to believe but I feel every minute of it. I am miserable. I honestly hate to complain because this is such a blessing-- I am in just so much pain, exhausted, can barely move, and these contractions are wearing me out.  I know it's worth it and all will be forgotten the moment I see and hold my baby girl.

I had my weekly checkup today. The appointment went well. I weighed 114 pounds (I've gained 3lbs in 2 weeks, opps). They did my Group-B Strep test and checked my cervix. Nothing has changed and I have not even started dilating yet... I only have two more appointments until my c-section and they went ahead and made them for Feb 25 and March 7. Not too much longer! Madelyn and I are still doing well; although, this mommy is ready to get this sweet little one out. David cleaned out the van spotless yesterday and installed Madelyn's carseat. We are ready so come on baby!

Enjoy these pictures:

Happy Valentine's!
36 weeks
Oh belly!

Daddy's hand prints

Thank you to all who pray for us. We greatly appreciate it. Please pray I can tolerate the pain in good spirits. If I go into labor on my own, pray I won't be in pain too long before they do my c-section. Please pray for a very safe, smooth c-section/delivery, a very healthy baby and mommy, a fast and easy recovery, as well as a smooth transition to parenthood for David and I and bringing baby home. <3

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Doctor appointment... Valentine's Day... Hospital

Madelyn Skye is so ready to meet the world and isn't wanting to wait until March 11th...

Thursday, I had my regular OB doctor appointment and growth scan.  Everything looked excellent and Madelyn weighed in at 5 pounds 9 ounces. Holy cow, I can't believe she weighs that much already; however, that's awesome. They did a cervical exam and said my cervix is starting to soften, too. Baby and I are doing well. My feet and legs are swollen but my blood pressure is good. I go back Tuesday for my normal weekly checkup.

After the appointment, David and I went to Frankie's Fun Park for Valentine's Day and really enjoyed it. It was bittersweet because it was our last Valentine's as just us... After playing, David ordered take-out from Texas Roadhouse and David, momma, I had a very nice dinner at home. I no longer can eat out because the tables are too low and I cannot bend over, haha. Dinner was sooo good though. I love my man!

Right when I was finishing up eating I began having contractions that quickly increased in frequency and intensity accompanied by a tremendous amount of pressure.  They were 3 minutes apart lasting 2 minutes. I leaked something what I thought was my water. I tried walking to help relieve some pressure. My sister came over and really helped me through the contractions. We got to the hospital about 10:30. The contractions were extremely hard. My cervix had not changed so they monitored me, checked to see if my water had broke which it hadn't, and offered me pain medicine that I denied (I really don't do well with medicines). Madelyn didn't like the contractions because her little heart rate would jump to the 190's during a contraction- poor baby.  They started slowing down and I got discharged around 2am. The nurse said the contractions were real, very steady and she didn't think it'd be long before I had this baby... I'd really really prefer to wait until my c-section to AVOID this labor deal but I guess Madelyn will come when she wants to.... I'm still having contractions and an unbelievable amount of pressure.  It hurts so bad... Dangit! 

I'll post Tuesday after my appointment. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

34 weeks... Things are getting interesting

I am 35 weeks and it has been a very eventful week. I have only four more weeks until my scheduled c-section; however, that's really up in the air at this point. Tuesday morning, I woke up around 3:00 having some awful tightening in my belly… hello contractions! Every time I had one my sides would sink in and Madelyn would be balled up tight in the middle. David woke up momma and as soon as she saw my belly she said we needed to go to the hospital. We arrived at the hospital at 4:30 and they placed me on the monitor. Sure enough, contractions every 3 to 5 minutes. They hurt! Luckily, my doctor was on call that morning, which made me feel better. She gave me a shot of Brethine to stop my labor. Well, that just made my contractions worst. After 30 minutes they gave a second shot, which worked. But I then passed out from my heart racing from the medicine, getting too hot, and my sugar dropping. Ugh! The nurse (who was great) brought me peanut butter, crackers, and juice. I ate that and felt better. We left the hospital around 7:30, David went to work (poor thing), and I went to bed. My belly has felt extremely tensed since then. Thursday afternoon the contractions returned and I've been having them ever since. They were not as close or regular until last night. We went to Crystal's for Eli's birthday and I walked up their stairs-- it made me have contractions. From 6pm until 11pm I had steady contractions every 5-7 minutes apart.

I had an OB appointment Friday morning. As Dr Alt was measuring and feeling my belly I had a contraction. She said “ooo boy, your belly is tight!” Dr Alt pretty much said I'm not going to last until my scheduled c-section on March 11, I can go into labor any time. They will not even try to stop it now. She said there's a good chance my water could break, too. So, Baby Madelyn could make her grand entrance at any time now! I'm measuring 36 weeks and I weigh 111 pounds-- big momma! I go back Thursday, hopefully, for a growth scan, a cervical exam, and a strep-B test. I’m getting nervous but I’m so excited! It really helps when everyone around me, like David, my momma, dad, sister, Donnie, and the kids are just as excited as I am. My dad was so worried about me not having my bags packed… He said I needed to pack them so when it’s time all we’d have to do is call a “CODE MADELYN”, grab our bags, and go. So sweet. :D Last night, David, momma, and I packed mine and Madelyn's bags... We are ready! I can’t believe it is here and I’ll be a mommy soon. I'm trying my best to hold off until my ultrasound Thursday but I can't stop her if she's ready.

After the doctor appointment Friday, David, momma, and I went to the Switch-A-Roo consignment sale. We finished getting everything we needed, yayyy! It was huge and we got some awesome deals. We came home with: a nice swing in great condition, a beautiful complete comforter set, a nice monitor set, tons of newborn clothes, blankets, books, Baby Einstein DVD, jewelry box, and a few other things. Our total: $172.00. Heck yeah!!!! David put carpet down Saturday night which looks so good, he finished the wall, and momma finished the decor. And my dad installed the ceiling fan Sunday. Nursery is ready- all it needs is sweet little Madelyn! Here are some pictures:

These contractions truly are no fun. They really are painful. It's been almost a week since they started, I'm exhausted. Not sure how much more I can take but I want to keep her inside as long as I can so she can be as healthy as possible. Please pray for strength, endurance, and patience for me—I’m worn out and miserable. Please pray for a safe, smooth delivery, a very healthy Madelyn, and fast recovery. I’ll post after my doctor appointment Thursday. She's almost here!!!!!

A few belly pictures at 35 weeks- whew: